Expand Your Thinking

Do Physicists Know Nothing?

The title of this post is ambiguous. I meant it to be as several physicists, including some of the most prominent ones have been, not just ambiguous, but downright equivocating on the word “nothing.” As in the fallacy of equivocation. This post explains the informal logical fallacy of equivocation and gives the example of how some physicists commit the fallacy when trying to explain how the universe came from “nothing.” The Fallacy of Equivocation The fallacy of equivocation is using two different meanings or senses for the same word or phrase in the same argument. It is easy to define…

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The Straw Man Fallacy

Starting our look at a few logical fallacies, we have perhaps the most well known one, the “straw man” fallacy. The straw man fallacy is misrepresenting or misunderstanding an argument. You are stating or attacking/refuting an argument that is different than the one your opponent holds. To “attack a straw man” is to attack your misunderstanding or caricature of a person’s argument, not the real one. A “man” made out of straw (scarecrow) may look superficially like a real man, but it isn’t. Attacking or beating up a straw man is easy. Beating up a real man is harder. He…

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