The Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
The possibility of alien (extraterrestrial) life elsewhere in our milky way galaxy, and in the billions or perhaps trillions of other galaxies in the Universe, is something that has occupied my thinking and imagination for most of my life. This is a major topic this blog will look at. This includes most major aspects of it such as the origin of life, galactic habitable zones, SETI, exoplanets, UFOs, etc. As will be the usual case, I will have blog posts, YouTube videos, book reviews, articles, etc. by myself and others that I think are interesting or important on the subject.
The further possibility of other universes entirely with different physics with alien life is something I would like to explore with future artwork and perhaps here as well.
(Artwork here of alien landscapes are by myself. Images copyright by Ken Raines.)
I will not post much on my artwork on this blog as I have a website and blog for that at

- I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup
- Main Topics I Will Cover On This Blog