By Ken Raines From the JW Research Journal, fall, 1996, pp. 3-8. Revised July, 2021. . The Watchtower Society was heavily involved in occult, psychic and quack medical procedures throughout much of the of the 20th Century. Like their current ban on blood transfusions for its members, this quackery has put the lives of millions unnecessarily at risk. This article gives an overview of the Society’s strange history of medical quackery and occultism which will be examined in more detail in coming issues of the JW Research Journal. . One of the most recognizable aspects of Jehovah’s Witnesses to the…
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Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. Introduction One of the most bizarre Watchtower campaigns was against medicine in general and specifically the germ theory. The crusade against medicine was not primarily a phenomenon only during the Rutherford era but was the dominant Watchtower view from the late 1880s to the early 1950s. Hundreds of articles were published, primarily in the The Golden Age and its successor Consolation, which lambasted orthodox medicine and many of the basic conclusions of modern medical research. Typical Watchtower comments include “sickness abounds . . . and the M.D.’s and dentists have waxed rich at the expense of suffering humanity” (Newcomb 1929:106).…
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Jerry Bergman, Ph.D Originally published in the JW Research Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, Spring, 1997 pp. 3-13. Introduction Creationism is a critically important doctrine in Watchtower theology. The basis of their theology is the belief that God created humans and all life and can recreate a person again in the resurrection. If evolution is true God is at best a bystander who is impotent or does not exist. The Watchtower has consistently opposed human evolution from their very beginning, and evolution of animals from the 1930’s on. The first booklet on the subject was published in 1912 (Russell 1912)…
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Jerry Bergman, Ph.D Originally published in The JW Research Journal, Summer, 1996 ABSTRACT A scientific literature review found that the rate of mental illness among Jehovah’s Witnesses is considerably above average. The specific level found in the research varies partly because the extant research was on different populations and time periods. The major factors identified as either helpful or harmful to Witness mental health were discussed. Although persons with emotional problems tended to join the Witnesses, the Watchtower teachings and its subculture clearly adversely affected the mental health of those involved. The official Watchtower attitude on mental illness was also…
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Jerry Bergman, Ph.D [This is an edited version of a paper published in the JW Research Journal, vol. 6, #2, July-Dec., 1999.] . . Abstract It is commonly reported even in authoritative works about President Eisenhower that he was raised as a River Brethren by parents that were active in the River Brethren church. In fact, Dwight D. Eisenhower was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, a sect commonly called Russellites or Bible Students until 1931. His mother was active in the sect from 1895, when Dwight was five years old, until she died. Eisenhower’s father was also an active member, although after…
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. Jerry Bergman, Ph. D Abstract This paper researches the history of the racism found in the official teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, whose followers are now known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their history reveals they are not free of racism as they now claim, but have manifested extreme racists views in their official, mandatory teachings. Even though 52% of the Witness’ membership are non-white, not a single minority person held a leadership position in 1994. . Background Jehovah’s Witnesses are one of the fastest growing denominations, now over 12 million members and sympathizers. They are the only…
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Ken Raines This post brings you up to date on what’s been going on with me after I stopped publishing the JW Research Journal in around 2000 and the website for it went offline. . JW Burnout & Depression I stopped publishing the Journal due to burnout on the subject of JWs and the Watchtower. It got too strange researching all the bizarre stuff they endorsed and took a lot of mental and physical energy out of me. I suffered from depression for awhile as a result of the burnout and my sleep apnea. I was sleep deprived and not…
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Abstract A historical analysis of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ during World War II concluded that they experienced extreme conflicts with Nazi Germany and probably withstood the attacks against them better than most groups. Their experience has been analyzed by a number of researchers including camp inmates and administrators who have concluded that their strong religious faith, community and social pressure to conform were all critical in helping Witnesses to withstand the Nazi assault against them. A major reason Witnesses endured was because to capitulate to the Nazis meant disfellowshipping and cutting off from what was often their only social support,…
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The Golden Age, Sept. 23, 1936, p. 803. . Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. Introduction The Watchtower history is replete with examples of not only erroneous theological positions such as wrongly predicting the time of the end, but also advocating numerous quack medical nostrums. Part of the reason for their involvement in quack scams was due to the tendency of certain high level Watchtower officials to reject anything that was orthodox–orthodox religion, orthodox science, and orthodox medicine. Unfortunately, the Watchtower is still today stuck in a quagmire of foolish beliefs which they have not yet been unable to transcend. Their almost half-century…
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Here are some resources for old JW publications if you either want to buy the original books or want free PDF files for download. I will try and update my articles to link to the older material that I quote in my articles for people to check the accuracy of the reference quoted. Here are a couple sources that have scanned PDFs or digital copies of old Watchtower literature. Just about anything you can think of and more. I suggest downloading the rarer stuff that you want as you never know how long this material will be up. Historical Watchtower…
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