Old Watchtower Literature & Documents

Here are some resources for old JW publications if you either want to buy the original books or want free PDF files for download. I will try and update my articles to link to the older material that I quote in my articles for people to check the accuracy of the reference quoted.
Here are a couple sources that have scanned PDFs or digital copies of old Watchtower literature. Just about anything you can think of and more. I suggest downloading the rarer stuff that you want as you never know how long this material will be up.
Historical Watchtower Publications Has scans in PDF format for reading or downloading. Contains most older Watchtower publications: Russell, Rutherford, etc. books: Millennial Dawn, Studies in the Scriptures, (various editions); Comfort for the Jews, The Way to Paradise, etc. Booklets (Millions Now Living, etc.). Magazines: Zion’s Watch Tower/Watchtower, 1879-1949; Golden Age, 1919 – 1937; Consolation, 1937-1946, etc.
Watchtower Documents This has PDF files of rarer Watchtower and Watchtower related documents and material. Material from the 1800s include Piazzi Smyth pyramid books, William Miller, Barbour, Paton, and CT Russell material before he started Zion’s Watch Tower (Midnight Cry, Day Dawn, Herald of the Morning, etc.) Has rare documents and photographs. Rutherford’s appointment as a judge for two days, you name it.
AvoidJW Has lots of documents and publications.
Watchtower Online Library Watchtower publications online for research. Official JW site.
Original Old Watchtower Books, etc.
If you want to buy old JW books (Studies in the Scriptures, etc.) here are some options:
kenraines@frontier.com. My email address. I have some extra copies of Studies in the Scriptures by Russell and Rutherford books for sale.
eBay. You can search watchtower for everything. IBSA for old 1927-1940 or so Yearbooks and old Russell, Rutherford era stuff. Golden Age watchtower, consolation watchtower for magazines (prices tend to be high. Millennial dawn. Studies in the scriptures watchtower, etc.
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