Old Watchtower Literature & Documents

Here are some resources for old JW publications if you either want to buy the original books or want free PDF files for download. I will try and update my articles to link to the older material that I quote in my articles for people to check the accuracy of the reference quoted. Here are a couple sources that have scanned PDFs or digital copies of old Watchtower literature. Just about anything you can think of and more. I suggest downloading the rarer stuff that you want as you never know how long this material will be up. Historical Watchtower…

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About Me And This Site

First of all I have never been a JW. I grew up with one parent being a JW and went to JW meetings. After I became a Christian, I decided to research the Watchtower’s history. I published some of the results of the research in my JW Research Journal from 1994 to 2000. I created a website soon after but for some reason needed another hosting site and never put it back up. This is my belated re-upload of some of that site’s material using a blogging format. I will probably upload articles somewhat randomly, though I will try and…

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